Happiness, Truth, Beauty, and Wisdom

“Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.” – Christopher Hitchens

What is better about being an atheist rather than a theist?  Than a Christian?  Than a Mormon?

  1. Blaming yourself.
    • When you make a mistake, it’s your fault.  It isn’t Satan.  It isn’t God.  It’s your fault.  You can choose to learn from it, or you can ignore it, but it’s your fault and it’s your choice.  When you have trouble understanding something, it isn’t because “God works in mysterious ways”, or because you didn’t ask with enough faith.  you just need to study more, or ask better questions.  If you’re selfish and hurt a loved one, you weren’t “tempted by The Adversary”.  It’s your fault.  It’s your choice.  You’re not being punished.   You’re not being admonished.  It’s just you vs. The Universe.
  2. Praising yourself.
    • You earned the job.  You earned the paycheck.  You earned the bonus.  You caught the ball.  You hit the homerun.  Your anti-bodies beat pneumonia, or the flu, or the cold.  Your body healed the broken leg, and the sprained knee, or even beat back cancer.  You weren’t “blessed.”  You weren’t rewarded by God.  You did it.  Biology did it.  Your genes did it, and that feels pretty damned good.
  3. Blaming Nature.
    • Earthquakes are tectonic plates.  Volcanoes the same.  Hurricanes are warm air and a spinning planet.  Disease is biological and chemical reactions.  Parasites are an unfortunate side effect of evolution.  You don’t have to wonder why evil and suffering exists.  You don’t have to wonder if you’ve angered some omnipotent being.  You don’t have to wait for help and relief from above that isn’t coming.  Make your own miracles.
  4. Helping.
    • Really helping.  No “thoughts and prayers”, but actually donating time, money, and effort to help those in need.  Thoughts and prayers don’t work, and if they did, we wouldn’t need ambulances, first responders, or doctors.
  5. Sundays.
    • …or whatever Sabbath day was previously set aside for praising and worshiping.  Having two weekend days, pretty nice.  Wonderful, in fact.  An extra day for shopping.  And extra day for taking your kid to the aquarium, or the zoo, or the museum, or a hike, or a bike ride, or just to sit around and watch Ghostbusters for the 10th time this month.  An extra day to teach her how to make muffins, cookies, or soup.  An extra day to sit outside and enjoy the sun with a cool beverage, or an extra day to sit inside and enjoy the warmth with a warm beverage.
  6. Thinking.
    • Nothing is off limits.  You can imagine that there are ten gods, or none.  You can debate endlessly with William Lane Craig, or Rabbi Schmuley, or Frank Turek, or Christopher Hitchens, or Bertrand Russell in your mind.  You can contemplate the repercussions of any position without fear of going over some imaginary line.  “Was Jesus real, or wasn’t he?”  “Is there evidence for The Exodus?”  “Is there enough evidence to justify that position?” “What if there is a god?”  No stone left unturned for fear of the truth that may be waiting underneath.
  7. Reading.
    • Much the same as #4.  Nothing is off limits.  You can read history that destroys your heroes – secular and religious.  You can read history that builds up the ‘villains.’
  8. Money.
    • There’s no registration fees or membership dues to be an atheist.  As opposed to religions who say, “But God loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more.” (George Carlin)
  9. Guilt Free Sex.
    • Notice I didn’t say, “consequence free”.  Of course there are still consequences for your actions, but you need not feel guilty for responding to natural, healthy sexual instincts.  Masturbation is perfectly healthy and natural.  Safe, consensual sex is perfectly healthy and natural.  There is no need for young people to be shamed and guilted about natural drives.  They are better served with education about healthy and safe  sexual behaviors instead of needless shame.
  10. Freedom.
    • In short, freedom.  Freedom from supernatural thought, theistic thought, and religious thought.  Freedom to think for yourself.  Freedom to reason for yourself.  Freedom to be yourself.  Freedom to blame yourself.  Freedom to praise yourself.  Freedom to spend your money as *you* see fit.  Freedom to love, physically, mentally, emotionally, or all of the above.  Freedom to live without wasteful wishes for something more and better and to love all that this life is and has to offer.

The Religious Right Shouldn’t Be Able to Vote…

…for Trump based on their conscience.  Yes, admittedly clickbait, but, read below.

I’m not sure how those that believe in the 10 commandments can, in good conscience, vote for Trump.

Let’s look at the commandment “Thou shalt not bear false witness”

Let’s look at last night’s (2016/10/09) debate:

“I didn’t say sex tape”

“Grab them by the p*ssy”

In the debate, when pressed, he said he did not ever act out what he said he’d done in the recently leaked tape, and that it was just ‘locker room’ talk.  Personally, I think it’s more likely that he did do what he was saying, but taking him at his word, is locker room talk an excuse to lie?

He mentions Hillary Clinton proposes increasing refuges by 550% which will lead to ‘hundreds of thousands’ of new refugees.

While the 550% percent increase is true, proposing allowing 65,000 refugees in 2017, there is no additional allow statements made by Clinton, therefore, no ‘hundreds of thousands’.

“I don’t know Putin … I know nothing about Russia”

I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”

He continued to say that he couldn’t release taxes because he’s being audited

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement. This has been pointed out to him many times, but he continues to state the lie that he can’t release them.

“ICE just endorsed me. They’ve never endorsed a presidential candidate.”

They did not endorse him. A union of immigration and customs officers voted to endorse Trump.

“… we are letting people into this country that are going to cause problems and crime like you’ve never seen”

Apprehensions at the Southwest border, a proxy for attempted crossings, have dropped by 79 percent from the year 2000, which was the peak. Pew Research Center reports more Mexicans left the U.S. than entered between 2009 and 2014.

“I was against the war in Iraq”

When asked if he supported the war in Iraq, he said on Howard Stern’s show, “Yeah, I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

I could go on and on and on.

How about “Thou shalt not commit adultery”

I want to be VERY clear on this.  While Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998, the Senate acquitted him…  While he has had a questionable past when it comes to adultery… He’s not running for President.  Does a person stand on their own merits? If you think so, then Hillary is not guilty of Bill’s crimes. If you think a person doesn’t stand on their own merits, then you have your own issues.

That said, Donald Trump has had confirmed mistresses, affairs, etc., and in fact has left previous wives and married the mistresses. This seems like an extremely large glass house that he’s attempting to throw stones from.

What about “Thou shalt not steal”?

He doesn’t pay taxes, as far as we can tell, and continues to claim he can’t provide proof until he’s done with his audits, which is 100% false, to the point that the IRS has said there is no issues with him releasing his tax documents.  Is not paying taxes not theft? He talks of deficits, which have been largely caused by tax loopholes for the top 1%, but continues to not pay taxes (as far as we can see). Another glass house?

Therefore, as a member of the religious right, do you really feel, in good conscience, that you can vote for an individual that so blatantly flaunts the commandments of the bible?

I haven’t ever said to someone “don’t vote” even when they disagree with me, but, perhaps a write in vote for your ideal candidate would better serve your conscience.

Everything Is Possible

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?  Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?  Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

— Epicurus (maybe)


You are God.  Omnipotent.  You also have a beloved creation, human beings, for whom you would like to create a universe.  You also want to test the humans.  You want to see if they will behave, even if they aren’t sure you’re watching.

What does your universe look like?

Mine?  It consists of a single world.  The world provides it’s own light and warmth.  No need for an external source.  No need for stars, galaxies, or potentially deadly and harmful comets and meteors.  One self-sustaining and beautiful planet.

The planet, let’s call it Ceti Alpha 6,  also grows unlimited food, and provides unlimited clean water everywhere.  Most of the planet consists of dry land upon which my creation can spend their time.

Wait.  Why does my creation need food and water?  I’m omnipotent.  Ok.  Now humans no longer require food, water, or air.  The planet only provides warmth and light.

Wait.  Why does my creation need warmth and light?  I’m omnipotent.  Ok.  Now humans no longer require food, water, air, nor warmth, nor light.   They can experience and interact with one another without it.

My planet has no tectonic plates.  Not earthquakes.  No volcanoes.  Humans can live everywhere, not just on 1/3 of the planet.  No meteors to worry about.  No fights over necessary resources like food, clean water, etc.

Now, every human is born with a “tattoo” on their inner arms of my commandments.  Everyone is born perfect.  No birth-defects.  No mental defects.  Ceti Alpha 6 has no disease.  No cancer.  No parasites.  No deadly animals.

Being omnipotent, and omniscient, I know the exact moment at which any of my humans has truly chosen to break one of my commandments.  If they do, I simply blink that individual out of existence, and wipe the memory of them from every other individual.  Each person still has perfect agency, but a choice to use that agency to cause suffering only affects the evil person.  No external suffering need exist.

Of course, if I am omniscient, maybe this whole “test” thing is unnecessary and superfluous.  If I know who will be good and who’ll be evil, maybe I needn’t bother.  Or, hey, maybe I just shouldn’t have created evil humans in the first place.

That seems much less nonsensical.

“Once you believe anything is possible, everything is possible.”